Asilia Limited

Asilia Tent Picture

Asilia is a renowned hospitality company operating camps and safari lodges in Kenya and Tanzania. The company operates a portfolio of luxury lodges, camps, and safari properties strategically located in some of the most iconic wildlife reserves and national parks in Kenya, such as the Maasai Mara, Amboseli, Samburu, and Laikipia. They strive to make a positive impact on the environment, wildlife conservation, and local communities while offering guests an unforgettable safari experience in Kenya's remarkable wilderness. Therefore, reliable and consistent connectivity is crucial for the camp office staff to effectively communicate, coordinate operations, and provide exceptional service to guests.

The Problem Asilia Limited faced

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The camp offices at the Mara and Ol Pejeta experienced a lack of reliable mobile network coverage, particularly in terms of 2G signal strength. This presented a challenge as staff members needed a consistent and robust network connection to stay connected, make calls, and access necessary information. The unreliable network coverage hindered effective communication and potentially impacted the overall guest experience.